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Information on Westland

  • Location Located west of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Area90.58㎢
  • Population Approx. 100,000
  • Main IndustriesGreenhouses, horticulture and vegetable cultivation
  • Regional Characteristics
    • Westland was founded in January 2004 by a merger of the municipalities De Lier, 's-Gravenzande, Monster, Naaldwijk and Wateringen.
    • The mayor is elected by the City Council.
    • It has a concentration of glass greenhouses. In the Netherlands, glass greenhouse farms are registered as corporations, and a significant number of them cover an area of 6ha or larger.
    • There are world-class horticulture exporters that contribute to the economic growth of the Netherlands by exporting flowering plants.

Background Behind Friendship Formation

  • During a visit to Korea by the King of the Netherlands in December 2014, an agricultural delegation visited Dangjin to propose exchanges.

Past Interchanges

  • 2015.08.28. A friendship and exchange agreement signed between Dangjin and Westland.
  • 2015.08.25. A delegation from Dangjin headed by the Mayor visits Westland (11 representatives).
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